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Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 0h 2013

2013 oh 2013 itulah judul dari cerita blog gue kali ini. Gue belum ada fikasasi target apa-apa aja yang ingin gue capai di 2013 tapi bayangan beberapa target udah ada. Kali ini gue pengen flash back tentang tahun 2013. Yup gue udah merancanakan banyak target yang ingin gue capai di 2013 tapi ternyata ga semuanya tercapai yaah 70%nya aja sih. Tapi menurut gue itu udah sangat-sangat luar biasa ;).

Beberapa hal yang udah gue capai di 2012 yaitu
·         IP semester 4 gue mencapai 3,8 dan IPKnya 3,6. Alhamdulillah
·         Ikut semester pendek dapet IP 3,75 dan IPKnya jadi 3,62 alhamdulillah
·         Jadi Sekretaris PFU yang oke
·         Jadi Koor Divisi Materi PROFIT 2012 yg oke dan jadi PANITIA TERBAIK PROFIT 2012 !
·         Mampu lebih concern dan peduli terhadap PPM juga ibadah-ibadah lainnya
·         Berhasil keluar negeri (Thailand) dan menjadi nice speaker di International Research Conference on Management, Engineering, and Technology
·         Berhasil menembus sponsor untuk keberangkatan ke luar negeri
·         Menjadi Trainer di TOT LKMM FISIP UNPAD
·         Menjadi Pembicara tentang “Public Speaking” di PROFIT 2012
·         Menjadi Pembicara tentang Persepsi dan Kepribadian di Remaja Remaji Kelompok 7
·         Berhasil magang di Bank (BPRS Amanah Insani)
·         Berhasil menyusun PKM-K meski ga dilanjutin hehe
·         Berhasil lolos seleksi Student Exchange (Inbound) FISIP 2013 to Malaysia PERINGKAT 1 SKOR TERTINGGI, SKOR=88,83
·         Jadi MC di acara arisan keluarga (di rumah Tante Yeni, Cianjur)
·         Jadi MC yang baik di acara akreditasi Administrasi Bisnis FISIP UNPAD 2012
·         KKN di liburan semester ini
·         Ikut Asrama Nasai Juz 8
Bersama seluruh peserta konferensi, EO, dan chairman saat sesi ahir, 2-3 Desember 2012

 Me when presentation

After Conference

At floating market                                                      

At Grand Palace (Emerald Buddha)

At BTS Station National Stadium

That’s all some of my target which is succeed in 2012. I just can say ALHAMDULILLAH and all I reach is present to my mom and my big family (mas eca, mas hendra, mba lika, arya, mba rofi, mba mimie, mas annas, najma, maura, nadya, yasmin, marvell). I really love them. Maybe I can’t give anything for them, especially for mom. I still ask much money from her, but I promise oneday I will have much money and carrying her wherever she wants. I won’t see tears down on her face. I promise, I’ll be a good child for you. Makes you proud and always smile. I also promise to all my family  I’ll makes you all proud of me. You always support me with everything you can. You are my diamond J

I have plan to improve my personal, I want to have many experience as my prepare to welcome future day. Just 4 formula to reach my target D-U-I-T, Doa Usaha Ikhtiar Tawakal.

You also can get what you want, what you target, if you want to serious. Never forget to thanks to Allah in all you get, you must improve your religion quality, Allah will help you in all your thing. I think 2013 is more difficult year, and I believe every year will always be more difficult. It is our challenge to always improve your quality personal and of course quality of your religion. Don’t be aware with your target, everythings gonna be okay if you always use this 4 formulas !

Thanks to all people who is give me motivate, always pray the best for me, and always beside me. I must arrange plan for six semester and seven semester to make my life have clear aim.
Bangga melihat tahun 2012 dan akan lebih bangga lagi melihat target-target tahun 2013 bisa tercapai. Satu hal yang harus gue kejar, makna Quran dan Hadist harus dipenuhi syukur-syukur bisa ikut tes Kediri. Aku memimpikannya, namun tak tahu apakah Allah meridhoi diri ini. Hal yang terlalu besar mungkin bagiku, tapi tak ada yang tak mungkin. Aku pasti bisa !